Science Gossip Talk

Folded pages.

  • p.titchin by p.titchin

    I've had afew of these folded pages recently. It seems a shame as the page is not interpretable. Is there no way the map and diagram inserts canbe opened out, and shown as 2 pages?


  • yshish by yshish moderator in response to p.titchin's comment.

    Hi @p.titchin

    There is actually the map opened up on a following page of the document: link to the map.

    As for the folded maps/images, choose the 'No illustration' button since the opened out one is usually scanned in some of the following pages and will be classified separately. Then please add a comment with #folded.

    You can always check the document by clicking on the 2nd icon (white document) on the top right side, just above the 'back' button. It will open the document in the new tab of your browser so no need to worry you'll lost the classified page.

    More details about classifying in the FAQs thread.

    Thanks for asking, enjoy the classification 😃



  • p.titchin by p.titchin in response to yshish's comment.

    thanks for the answer Zuzi.~pete
