Science Gossip Talk


  • MLMarchiori by MLMarchiori

    I'm new to the site and looking for guidance. The title carries on to another page. Should I report only the part of the title visible here?


  • yshish by yshish moderator in response to MLMarchiori's comment.

    When there is only part of the writing/illustration visible, please, always check out the original document on BHL: ,that is available in both classification and Talk, and check whether there is another scan following after this one, displaying the whole page. If there is a complete scan, then you don't need to classify this one and just go as No illustration case. If there isn't, then look at the neighbouring part and work with the whole picture. You can hashtag it as #folded then.

    Does it make sense? Here is a FAQs thread you may find helpful. If you missed something there, let us know please.

    Thanks for your help, enjoy the project 😃

    Cheers, Zuzi
