Science Gossip Talk

Random image generator

  • eatyourgreens by eatyourgreens admin

    Here's a little web toy based on the rectangles that you have all been drawing on journal pages.

    Select a random drawing from the completed Science Gossip journals: (refresh the page to get a new picture)

    Also does



  • yshish by yshish moderator in response to eatyourgreens's comment.

    This is great! Thanks for sharing, Jim!


  • eatyourgreens by eatyourgreens admin

    Thanks @yshish!


  • trosesandler by trosesandler scientist

    This is great Jim - its help me see if there is consistency across the application of the classification types



  • yshish by yshish moderator

    Some results I got were a bit strange.. like the image crops focused out of the illustration.. (I made even screenshots) I wonder why that happens.


  • jules by jules moderator

    This is brilliant! My favourite key word so far:

    dude with a hat contemplates life while sitting on a fallen stump near the cavity of a massive tree (ASC0000gj6) Milkman link.



  • yshish by yshish moderator

    Hilarious one!!


  • eatyourgreens by eatyourgreens admin in response to yshish's comment.

    @yshish do you happen to know which pages had strange crops? I've added a link to the results for each page, so that you can see where the original rectangles were drawn.



  • yshish by yshish moderator

    Yes, it was this page..

    The strangely cropped images were displayed under two Keyword headlines. Would you like to see the screenshot too? (Still having it opened in a browser tab.)


  • eatyourgreens by eatyourgreens admin in response to yshish's comment.

    Here's the same page on Milkman:
    Looks like people were confused about what to mark as an illustration.



  • yshish by yshish moderator in response to eatyourgreens's comment.

    Hm, let's hope it doesn't happen much often.. I have just restarted the Tutorial to see what the instructions are there and whether they are clear. There is not such a complicated illustration included but the text should be clear (at least to all English speaking volunteers. I remember having problems to understand it when I started since I didn't know some of the words used there - like what on the page is exactly meant by them 0:| But now they are perfectly clear to me).


  • yshish by yshish moderator

    @eatyourgreens May I ask about the Illu Milkman page? I have tried to display the pages of my recent classifications there, it says: Activated 8 months ago. I wonder how often you activate it and what it depends on. Are there all the pages or only those which have been classified by at least X volunteer already? Why there are even the active ones which still needs more classifications to get retired?

    Thanks! 😃


  • eatyourgreens by eatyourgreens admin in response to yshish's comment.

    Hi @yshish runs off a daily copy of the classifications database, so it's up to 24 hours behind the live site. Every classification subject is in there, because it's a copy of the entire database. The code itself is more or less taken from the original Milkman code for the Milky Way Project

    'Activated at' usually shows when a subject was first uploaded. 8 months ago sounds like about the time that we launched Science Gossip, so I'd guess that's one of the pages from the very first set of journals that were uploaded (either Hardwicke's Science Gossip or the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society.)



  • yshish by yshish moderator in response to eatyourgreens's comment.

    Ah, it makes sense now. Thanks for the clarifying 😃 Really cool page!

    Cheers, Z.


  • eatyourgreens by eatyourgreens admin

    Just a note to say I've updated this to included completed pages from Hardwicke's Science Gossip, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society and the other active journals.



  • jules by jules moderator in response to eatyourgreens's comment.

    Thanks Jim!
