Subject comments
Board Discussions
Streamed Zooniverse Lecture Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd November – join in!
Streamed Zooniverse Lecture Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd November – join in!
This Friday and...
by jules
Hi @calculatedFlame, "del" is an abbreviation of the Latin delineavit - ‘he/she drew [it] - and is...
by jules
The two contributors have "del." and "inc." after their name. What do those stand for?
Probably not - but do you have an example to show us @FlightlessNightingale?
by jules
I was wondering if we should include Calendars with important dates
Hi @c196948, you can use the skip button whenever you are given a page you'd rather not classify....
by jules
Sometimes it is not clear to me when to use 'skip this page'?
What is the intended use of c196948
Printer's marks & abbreviations glossary
That is really helpful and very interesting information, thank you 😃
by evestar
confirm i am working correctly
Hi @dominic27 - you are right to mark the figures as drawings. However, the inscription box should...
by jules
confirm i am working correctly
Please confirm that I am correct in making the figures and in the inscription box writing the full...
by dominic27
Illustration Page Missing Reference Text
Sometimes the key to a plate is hidden away in the text - and tricky to locate. We are not expected...
by jules
Illustration Page Missing Reference Text
The illustrations referenced on this page (XVIII) require additional pages/text not provided. To...
by jennmat82
Hi @rajavinoba - if you click on the BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library) link you can zoom all the...
by jules
It would be fine, if magnify options of the diagram will be increased.
by rajavinoba
New Article from Sciencegossip!
This is exciting Geoff!
by trosesandler
Looking for female contributors!
Excellent @PinkPimpernel!
by jules
Looking for female contributors!
Mary Caroline McKenny Hughes! & p. 4 of...
New Article from Sciencegossip!
Hi All,
Hope everyone is well. Just thought I would say that a new article, based on the research...
What is the retirement limit of the pages?
7 classifications sound pretty reasonable 😃 Thank you @yshish!
I asked because I like to...
What is the retirement limit of the pages?
There seem to be a limit of 7 classifications per subject, at least it was some time ago. Not sure...
by yshish
Streamed Zooniverse Lecture Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd November – join in!
This Friday and Saturday there's a neat opportunity for Zooniverse volunteers to attend (via the...
by jules
This appears to be intended for use in a glasshouse or greenhouse.
by msmith835
I have no troubles classifying (Ubuntu, Chromium). Haven't tried other browsers/OS yet.
by yshish
Yes, there seems to be a problem as the draw tool has stopped working for me in either Chrome, IE or...
by jules
The draw box is incredibly uncontrollable on my computer. I am using Google Chrome
You'll see a few half-images like this. There is always a complete scan of both pages in the...
by jules
this page is continued across the spine/middle of the book onto the next page, so only 1/2 of the...
by sarinozi
Thanks for taking part @daravenh - welcome aboard! The...
by jules
Would like some feedback to see if I am doing this correctly. Thanks.
by daravenh
Good point - it's not made completely clear in the tutorial. If you left click and drag the mouse...
by jules
Insect illustrations (1 subject)
by Audburrito
Interesting (1 subject)
This my local area - the Tyne Valley in Northumberland
by alexbfree
Hand tools (5 subjects)
Initials & drop caps (5 subjects)
Gardens (1 subject)
Herbarium collections and collectors (1 subject)
Plants (5 subjects)
by pimentelius
QI photo of roman remains
by spaceygeek
Truffles (1 subject)
Coincidences (1 subject)
"Science-Gossip" being annotated at Science Gossip.
by dhuber
by KatiePa
by KatiePa
#historicaltaxonomy. Anyone know modern name? Assumed contrast to C. reticulatum of Sweet meant this was C. reticulatum.
by KatiePa
by KatiePa
#oldweather #dropcap
by PinkPimpernel
Full captions on p. 162
by PinkPimpernel
by PinkPimpernel
#dropcap #oldweather
by PinkPimpernel
#oldweather #initial #dropcap
by OneTwoTree
by OneTwoTree
#typo caption reads "Ckorozema", text reads "Chorozema"
by PinkPimpernel
#advert #microscope
by jules